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In course
This web application is currently in BETA
We are working to improve the experience and add new features. You might encounter bugs or features still in development. We appreciate your feedback to help us improve.
Contact: [email protected]
Terms of use
Before using the application you MUST accept the TERMS OF USE
Support tool for the calculation of low and medium voltage electrical installations, it will allow you to carry out the most common calculations:
- Dimensioning of cables and protections
- Selection of installation systems
- Earth faults in medium voltage
- Capacitor bank calculation, c/k factor, resonant frequency
- Power transformer performance
- Earth conductor size
- Tap transformer
And other calculations:
- Sizing of conduits and trays
- Photovoltaic installations configurator
- Ventilation of the transformer station
Reference documentation
For the creation of the application it has been taken into account:
- Standard IEC / EN